Lol..Finally,I've done my 1st semester in the Curtin University's "Bachelor of Commerce". This semester I did four subjects as usual, which 'were' Management,Accounting,Economics and Law. The killer subject was Law. Although things we learned in this Law consisted only Law of contract, however, it was quite a tough one.Well, I liked Law the most,probably because there were no assignments at all..
Well,assignments in universities suck ass to the maximum. Of course,if I had a choice,I would choose RMIT rather than Curtin because RMIT is 90-100% examination based. Well,unlike Curtin program, sometimes, assignments may take up to 40% of the overall marks. Honestly,my assignment skills suck to the maximum,that is why I said assignments suck ass.Well, I could score one of the highest in Mid Semester test,but scored one of the lowest in assignments. This is really undesirable for a person like me.Regardless of that, it is finally over.I would struggle harder in my assignments next time, as in COPY AND PASTE more in my assignments.Constructing my own sentences will just lead me to the drain.
Accounting was okay,but finals I did quite a number of mistakes...so...= (..
Economics is the subject that made me depressed the most in the semester.Once again,due to assignment.
Management was a tough one though..It requires RESEARCH SKILLS in assignments, and also reading skill in the finals. Well,perhaps, 40% of the marks is from assignments.I managed to weave through the individual assignment,scoring quite low,but higher than my expectation and I was quite happy because I passed my individual assignment. I did almost 5 weeks of research on it,yet I scored low compared to my friend who spent 4 hours in the assignment.Once again, "COPY and PASTE" skill is essential in assignments. Well,once again,its all over,hope I could get the best marks out of it..I will not expect highly as I did real badly in some papers.
Anyway,everything is save in this semester,I managed to finish all the assignments and attended mid semester tests.
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