Tuesday, July 28, 2009

- 29.07.2009 -

This post today is mainly about a part of humanity..
I just couldn't stand why humans are hasty and do not think..This statement goes to me as well.. How could I tolerate nuisance from such thing.. For example, the speed limit on the road is 60 km/j and I was driving 60km/j.. There is just a driver honking and flash lighting me.. Imagine, how peaceful if everyone manages their time and resources efficiently, I can forsee there would be an efficient society as well.. I assumed that the driver who did that to me was rushing to work or something.. And worst part was.. I had to bear the cost of his externality.. This is just part of the statement. The worse thing I observed was 90% of the people daily can be categorized as "perform without thinking and even observing". The speed limit has its reason, and the sign there has its reason as well.. Are they blind? I wish 2012 is really the day that the world is going to end.. People like that are worst than animals. For me, I tried my best to think,although it takes more time.. I can even relate this statement to the people I met years ago, months ago... Most of them are the same...At least I realize how important it is to think before proceeding.. If I could reach 100% calmness and 0% hastiness.. I probably already achieve the goal as a human..

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