Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Chances are important in life.
Chances appear every single moment.
Chances exist when we all exist.
Inevitably, chances of dying applies to everyone of us, if you understand.
Chances of surviving applies as well.
Everything is about chances. Risk and chance are similar to me.
They both are the mechanism in my life..
In basketball, you create opening before cutting through the opponent, which is also a form of chance.
What I can say is simple, when chance increases, the risk level decreases.
For example, studying can lead to higher chances of scoring in your paper.
If you don't study, risk of you failing is high. Chances and risks are correlated with one another.
However, for some people, they are weak in creating chances for themselves.
Most importantly,I am ready for anything. Ask and you shall get!

*the last sentence is not related to the blog*

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