Whether you want or not, like or dislike, you have no liberty against ego.
Whether you realize or not, partly, you are still dominated by your own ego, consciously or subconsciously.Some of them are good in suppressing their ego, but they definitely cannot suppress their superego(how they portray themselves).
When a person is wealthy, certainly, the person will act within a certain range of a wealthy person. Who will not maximize his/her wealth when time is limited?
It is all about selfishness.
When you think you're good, you're letting go opportunities in life.
The most important thing is gathering a group of close peers and know how they think about you. Even if they don't speak it out, find it out yourself. It's fundamental but definitely tough task, requiring you to let go your ego. When you're too egoistic, you tend to be
blind because your mind tells you that you actually know everything but in fact you are ignorant in the related issue or aspect.