Sunday, December 25, 2011

- torture -

It is back again.
I am quite certain it is the same one.
The trigger is increasing in a rapid frequency where I couldn't hold it anymore.
This is definitely mental sickness. Can I overcome it all by myself?
I don't need help. All I need is apathy just like last time.
Why would I care so much?

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Finally I get to know what is Love and....
Even when the impact is great until it can sink an island,
I will still endure because I am not an island, I am a continent...

Sunday, December 11, 2011


If everyone is going against, don't fret.
Friends are just mere friends, nothing more nothing less.
Live on your own.
Ditch people instead of getting ditched, this is how we protect ourselves.

Friday, December 9, 2011

- endurance -

How can endurance lead someone until the end of journey? Perhaps the end of journey simply means end of life?

What I experienced so far was an extraordinary gain in endurance and the level of fakeness in me. I was so exhausted and yet I can pretend I am really okay. Just like last time, I accommodate people with despair externally and now I accommodate people with despair internally. Which one is better? which one causes more damage to me overall?

If I am able to go through this for 5 years, I will be champion! at least to myself I am a champion because I really know how capable I am..