Saturday, July 23, 2011

open my mind and speak

Is this my own problem or the problem lies in others? or is it how a realistic society supposed to be? or is this life? my own life? will this mean that I didn't adapt to the society?anti-social?
I couldn't really answer the questions which are stacked in my world.
How could this be?
Am I not good enough for others? or is it because others are not good enough for me?
Anyhow, I will try my best to speak out so that at least I can minimize a variable in the possibilities. Hope it will hit right on the target and I wish the problem lies in myself but not others.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the road not taken

LoL. when it comes to this phrase I will always smile to myself.

Anyways I am really serious now. There is no one I can rely on. I can only rely on myself I strongly believe, who would be there when I really needed someone? I am glad that my family members were with me but I believe I will find someone much closer than I thought. I chose the harder path this time; forgoing the path which I feel that it is more suitable for me. Hopefully I will get good returns in future. Are qualifications really that important?

I believe there will be no short cut especially when my life is destined to travel through a path where substantial obstacles will be in the way.

I still remember the phrase vividly until today.. I think YOU who and what I mean..

Monday, July 11, 2011

6 6 6

If it happens that I have an epiphany, I will erase you all on the surface of earth...

who can I talk to when I am lonely?

no one I guess....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I just don't feel like waking up anymore although I really don't wanna leave you...


Reality is just too real.
When you get low marks, you complain about it.
But when I think of it, until the moment I thought I am really gonna die, I didnt care much about other things, I just wanna live...
Well, it can be seen that I am normal again because I still see hope in life... Its just too pain to leave just like that. I guess I've realized how important life is...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


If you know that you not wake up after you fall asleep, will you sleep?

My friend answered if go heaven, he would sleep.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


It is even harder to endure while you are facing substantial hypocrites around you, especially you deem them to be your close ones.. It is so saddening.. When they needed help, they seek for you and when everything is over, nothing in common anymore between us. Well, I always told myself not to believe in this ideology which means I chose to be ignorant while I am not. I really believe in people that I really want to believe in. Although the statement looks tautological and self-evident, but the truth is I choose people to put trust on. Well, it looks like this batch is a failed and unsuccessful investment especially in friendships. I will even be more cautious due to adverse event that I faced recently.
Why hypocrisy will always outlast truth? This is because when one honest person cannot outlast a bunch of hypocrites, the person joins them just like "when you cannot defeat them, join them". I still remembered clearly we discussed and talked about hypocrites where we both hated them all. Well, perhaps for me its still hate but not for you anymore.
Fair enough, I am not God. You can't expect me to do everything.. Although on the surface I might look strong, I need someone to support me. How can stand loneliness all by him/herself? I can, but until the day I die, I will have regrets.