Thursday, August 20, 2009

- 21.08.2009 -

Affections turned to sympathy..
Truth hurts, but the actual truth hurts even more.
Hence, in conclusion, truth and actual truth hurts even more..
I cant deny, things changed..
I can't do shit..
On the surface, it looks calm, but deep inside, its having earthquake every moment,
It's sad to be true..
Once happened, it is hard to reform,
When reformation does not occur,
There will be different outcomes,
As I know, It was like a brittle statue ...
Where I admit,partially was my fault,
Where the bond was strong, but brittle...
Part of the affections was completely turned to sympathy..
Maybe it is your nature,
I tried to adapt,but its too hard,
Consequence is still the same,
Sacrifices are made less until now,
That will ease me for the time being...


  1. i sincerely hope tat u'll be better soon...
    remember to take care n try to think positively in every incident in ur life....
    gambateh, leonard=)
